Percentage Increase Calculator
Percentage increase shows how much a value has grown relative to its original size. It is widely used in finance, sales, and daily life to track growth or measure changes over time.
For example, if a product price increases from $100 to $120, the percentage increase is 20%.
How to Calculate Percentage Increase
To calculate percentage increase, use this simple formula:
\text{Percentage Increase} = \frac{\text{New Value} – \text{Original Value}}{\text{Original Value}} \times 100
- Subtract the original value from the new value.
- Divide the difference by the original value.
- Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.
Original Price = $50
New Price = $75
\text{Percentage Increase} = \frac{75 – 50}{50} \times 100 = 50\%