Percentage Increase Calculator

Percentage Increase Calculator

Percentage Increase Calculator

Percentage increase shows how much a value has grown relative to its original size. It is widely used in finance, sales, and daily life to track growth or measure changes over time.

For example, if a product price increases from $100 to $120, the percentage increase is 20%.

How to Calculate Percentage Increase

To calculate percentage increase, use this simple formula:

\text{Percentage Increase} = \frac{\text{New Value} – \text{Original Value}}{\text{Original Value}} \times 100


  1. Subtract the original value from the new value.
  2. Divide the difference by the original value.
  3. Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.


Original Price = $50

New Price = $75

\text{Percentage Increase} = \frac{75 – 50}{50} \times 100 = 50\%

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