Wh to mAh conversion calculator

Wh to mAh Conversion Calculator

Wh to mAh Conversion Calculator

A Wh to mAh conversion calculator helps convert watt-hours (Wh) into milliampere-hours (mAh), two common units used for measuring battery capacity. This tool simplifies calculations and provides accurate results, especially useful for comparing batteries or understanding their performance.

Why Convert Wh to mAh?

  • Wh: Measures the total energy a battery can store.
  • mAh: Represents the battery’s charge capacity.

Converting between these units helps users estimate how long a battery will last based on its capacity and device power consumption.

Formula for Wh to mAh Conversion

The calculator uses the formula:

\[ \text{mAh} = \frac{\text{Wh} \times 1000}{\text{Voltage (V)}} \]

Here’s what the variables mean:

  • Wh: Watt-hours of the battery.
  • Voltage (V): Battery voltage, typically listed on the label.
  • 1000: Conversion factor to convert ampere-hours (Ah) into milliampere-hours (mAh).

Example Calculation

Imagine a battery with:

  • 3.7 Wh capacity
  • 3.7 V voltage

Using the formula:

\[ \text{mAh} = \frac{3.7 \times 1000}{3.7} = 1000 \, \text{mAh} \]

This means the battery holds 1000 mAh of charge.

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